a diversion
For the past week or so I've been deconstructing seven paintings that I thought were nearly done so far for my upcoming show at
Grace Chosy Gallery in Madison WI. I'm not using art jargon here--I mean that I deconstructed them in a literal sense--taking off all of the clamps that were holding panels into what I had thought were final compositions. Yesterday and today I have been coming up with new ideas and compositions that are more exciting, and closer to my vision for the show, so I think this was a good move. Although there were a couple of days that I left the studio in the evening wondering why I do this to myself!
So in place of posting new paintings (which I really thought I'd be doing by now) I offer a fun website for your diversion.
Dumpr allows you to upload a painting jpeg or any digital photo of your own into a museum setting. Besides being an undeniable kick to see your work in this classy setting, it also allows you to visualize a small work in large scale.
What you see above is a portion of my small painting
Old Wall: Barcelona (which I posted a few weeks ago.)