paintings at health club

Today I hung these paintings (plus five more that don't show up in the photos) at
Be Fitness and Wellness Center in Delafield, WI. All are older paintings (going back to 2003.) An exerpt from my the statement that I posted with the work:
The paintings hanging here were painted between 2003 and 2008. They represent various stages of my development in recent years, and they also show aspects of my work that have remained consistent over time. My work has been (and continues to be) an abstract interpretation of nature, guided by an intuitive response to the paint itself, and to memories, emotions and experiences in the landscape...
Landscape:25 Views (in lower photo on the left) Opposite, and Reverie (in upper photo) are the earliest pieces shown here, and represent my initial idea of combining multiple panels together in one painting. (Landscape was my first large painting done in this manner.) Over the past six years, I’ve explored this idea in many ways, in various scales, color ideas and formats. It continues to captivate me, and it’s a pleasure to exhibit again these paintings from the beginning of the series.
When I was first invited to hang my work here, I hesitated a bit, but warmed up to the idea after asking a lot of questions about the walls, and the number of people who would see the work. I really like the idea of people encountering my work outside of the usual gallery settings, but I also am careful about these settings--I want the work to have plenty of space and decent light. I also hesitated because of having enough commitments already for my most current work--but then I hit on the idea of showing older pieces that I had in my studio. The opportunity to display some of this large, colorful work was really very appealing. The work will be on display through the end of June.