photos from barcelona

To see more photos from my stay in Barcelona, please click
here. I shot mostly street scenes, caught up in the colors, textures and movement everywhere that I went. The photo above is taken from my hotel balcony, looking down at Las Ramblas, where there is a constant flow of people day and night, plus all kinds of street entertainment--music, human statues, people in costumes. I found my room to be an extremely entertaining vantage point!

I passed these flowers outside a covered market as I walked to Gaudi's unfinished cathedral, the Sagrada Familia, on my last morning. I did a lot of walking every day that I was in the city, and though I sometimes got pretty tired, it was never intended destinations usually seemed almost beside the point.

Above is one of the photos I took in the Placa de St. Philip Neri, in the old Gothic quarter. I finally found this little square after several days--it is easy to overlook among the winding streets of the old city--but on my last day I put more effort into seeking it out. It has a tragic history--the church of St. Neri was bombed during the Spanish Civil War, and many children attending the adjacent school were killed. A novel I had just read during my artist residency mentioned how the main character would often sit in this small, secluded, melancholy spot, and I thought that I would experience a quiet moment there myself.
However, Barcelona has a way of offering up surprises, and in this case, I arrived at the square just as the school had let out for the day. Instead of the solemn atmosphere I expected, things were raucous and wild, with kids running everywhere. It made me smile, and think about how life goes on as I photographed the kids playing in front of the bomb-pocked walls. I turned off my flash, which seem to flatten everything out, and let their bodies blur in the fading light.