central ny trip wrap-up

I've been pretty tired and scattered since coming home from New York state--travel always seems to leave me in that condition, though I've been in the studio every day and doing what I can. My week away was wonderful, and the timing was great too--when I left, spring still seemed a tentative idea here (April can be hard for us Northerners, when people in other places are gardening and being outside.) It has definitely arrived now though (yesterday we hit 90 degrees!) and a full calendar for the next few months is also upon me.
I wrote about the Rochester workshop in my last post, but my time in Ithaca, NY, earlier that week also deserves mention. I stayed with my old friend (also my web designer)
Pamela Wik-Grimm and her family. They live in a newly built eco-house on a wooded lot outside of town, designed by Pamela (who always thinks outside the box) so that the central hallway also serves as a art gallery. It is a bit wider than a normal hall, with excellent track lighting. There are also several other display areas in the house.
I love Pamela's concept of displaying art in the comfortable setting of a home. When the Rochester workshop was confirmed, I was pleased to be the first artist invited to show in her space. I shipped a few boxes of small paintings ahead of my visit, and hung them when I arrived. Pamela arranged a small reception to coincide with my visit, and plans a larger event for next month. The work may also be seen by appointment.