new painting

This one is a small, 8" square painting called
Stones Along the Path. A lot of my single panel pieces have some sort of division of the space, usually horizontal, but in this one I used a vertical division. Dividing the space within the panel echoes the composition of my multiple panel pieces--it adds structure and tension to the free flowing, organic surface.
I am looking harder at this right now--ways to bring more variety of divisions into my single panel paintings. Horizontal divisions do seem "right" to me a lot of times--and they evoke certain things that interest me, such as layers of rock, stone walls, geological strata, landscape. There is often a sense of gravity at work, the visual weight of the painting making more sense as a horizontal composition.
But, I'm wary of the horizontal divisions becoming too habitual. There is a fine line between following an impulse that something is "right" for the painting--and just doing what is tried and true, and you are pretty sure will work out. When those impulses lead to the same answers over and over, stagnation can set in. Again, a fine line--it's good to stay with an idea for awhile, and see where it goes...real change tends to evolve slowly, at least for me. But change and growth are so important--I need to know they are happening to be happy with my work. Often there is a moment, as with this painting, when it dawns on me--here is a new thread to follow.