rochester workshop

The experience of running the workshop in Rochester, NY over the weekend (at
Rochester Art Supply) seemed more like hosting an art party than whatever else I had anticipated. Of course, I worked hard (a host usually does) planning and preparing. And both days I gave demos of materials and techniques, answered a lot of questions, and did my best to give feedback and share information with the five other artists in attendance. But overall, it seemed more like pleasure than work to me. I loved the atmosphere--there were hours in which there was barely a sound, as everyone (including me) worked intently...interspersed with friendly conversation and banter, and comments on various paintings in progress. This was a group of highly focused, serious artists--who also knew how to laugh and enjoy themselves and each other.
Jim Mott (whom I have known since his 2007 visit to our place during his Itinerant Artist Project tour) and
Kathryn Bevier (of Rochester Art Supply) are shown above; below is
Barbara Chappelle (who came down from Canada) and some of the paintings that I developed as demos over the two days.