bordering on overwhelmed

We're in the midst of getting ready for the big outdoor party/potluck that we have here every May, and at the same time launching a remodel of our back porch and bathroom. Along the way, we have done a lot of cleaning up of grounds and studio, taking advantage of the big dumpster that has been parked out front. Add in the normal demands of life, and organizing a workshop or two, and it is a recipe for overload.
Yet I noticed today, when I walked into my (now clean, fairly orderly) studio, the stress of too much going on fell away almost immediately. In fact, I had only meant to drop something off inside, but ended up staying for an hour and emerged feeling quite a bit more calm than when I went in. I feel so grateful to have this space in my life, both the actual studio building, and the time spent there, in that special creative zone. The rest of my world can go a little nuts around me, but in the studio I'm often able to connect with my deepest self, the one that is capable of calm in the face of overload.
The painting above is not exactly recent--it's from March--but I don't think I've posted it before. It is called
Indigo, 36" square. I guess it's not too surprising that I haven't found time to photograph my newest work, but I plan on it next week.