How focus wavers at times...when something happens in the rest of life (like for example, your 82 year old mother falls and breaks her ankle, and complicated arrangements for care must be made) what happens in the studio? Not much?
For me this was the story of last week. I did manage to finish the painting shown here,
Wander, 48"x36", oil on board. I had a deadline of sorts, as
Darnell Fine Art in Santa Fe was waiting for a painting of these dimensions from me. Personal issues aside, I felt I had to come through, and to ship them eight other paintings they requested for the summer also. And then there were the four new pieces I took to
Circa Gallery in Minneapolis on Thursday, a trip timed so that I could rotate out a few older things needed elsewhere. So I spent a hectic week, running between Pak Mail, DHL (the shipping company I use) and my mother's nursing home, when I wasn't on the road to the Twin Cities.
It's so hard to keep running at that kind of frantic pace, and I'm trying to slow down now, spend a little incubation time and find my focus again.