new painting

Here is my latest painting,
Solstice (54"x36" oil on board.) The intense blue panel has been floating around my studio, in and out of various compositions, for weeks, without finding a place to land. I considered developing it as a single panel painting, but then found this arrangement that works for me. The lower panel has subtle copper colored lines that relate to orange lines that I scratched through on the blue panel (the original color layer, under the blue, is orange.) The white upper panel also has some linear elements that are hard to see in the photo, that resemble tree limbs.
Next week I'm hauling this painting (and three others) to Steven Boody at
Boody Fine Arts in St. Louis. I've been with this gallery since the mid-90s and Steven and his assistant Leigh have done an excellent job in placing my larger paintings in various offices and business settings such as banks and law firms.
I'm looking forward to the trip, not just because it seems like heading for the tropics (from still-frozen Wisconsin) but because I will visit my painter friend
Mark Horton, and meet my e-pen pal
Patty Oblack for the first time.