signs of spring
Two signs of spring (and believe me, here in Wisconsin we are a long ways from robins and daffodils)...(1)I just noticed the tiniest pussy willow buds, a quarter inch long, while on my evening walk...and (2) my studio flooded yesterday, because of melting snow. That's actually a routine event which will happen more than once between now and summer. But this was the first time this season, and it caught me by surprise--lots of panels and finished paintings were on the floor. Thankfully I discovered the situation before any damage was done from the encroaching waters, and since I have a drain it is not hard to push the puddles in that direction with a broom.
For some reason, although I may gripe a bit, I never really mind dealing with the floods. Like the occasional bird or woodchuck finding its way inside in summer, the annoying wasp invasions every fall, and the winter chore of loading and maintaining the wood stove (by which I must huddle uncomfortably for the first half hour or so of my work day) the spring floods come with the territory of having a rural studio building out in the middle of nowhere...and really, I do appreciate that a lot.