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My friend Patricia and I listened to a lot of Talking Heads in the car on our way to and from New Mexico, and yesterday in the studio David Byrne was stuck in my head singing "I'm painting, I'm painting again..." As much as I enjoyed the trip, I was happy to be back at work. Ten days without painting when I have four shows coming up this fall and winter (and a busy summer of travels and visitors) made me nervous. It's going well though, and new ideas are coming as a result of my travels West.
The title for my show in October at
Darnell Fine Art is
Old Walls and Lost Paths, and on this trip I collected many images (mostly in my mind and some in photos) of old adobes and other weather-worn surfaces in New Mexico. My original idea for the title and theme of the show arose from my residency last fall in Catalonia; one of my interests there was the way in which the stone buildings and ancient walls seemed such an integral part of the landscape, and embodied a sense of time. In New Mexico, I saw the same thing in the ancient adobe buildings in the pueblos we visited, and in other old buildings scattered around the desert--they are made of the natural materials of the landscape, and seem to grow organically out of the earth.