new painting and NM plans

My friend Patricia and I are taking a road trip to the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area through next week. This painting is a new one in the Strata series, 62"x24." The texture is especially developed in the white panel. It will be in the back of the car to be delivered to
Darnell Fine Art in Santa Fe--I'm stockpiling for my show in October.
We leave on Friday, and this Monday morning I sit with a long to-do list titled "before NM." A lot of it will get done, and what's left will probably seem less important as we pack up and hit the road. Patricia has never driven out West and I am looking forward to sharing this now-familiar experience with her. She's going out to do research for her doctoral thesis in Native American Studies, and has a really interesting agenda. I'll be in on some of it, including the Feast Day and Corn Dance at Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo. I'm also planning to see plenty of art, visit some art friends and of course, spend time with my two sons in Albuquerque.