summer show at circa
I stopped by
Circa Gallery in Minneapolis today to view the space with an eye to what I will need for my show with
Maren Kloppmann that opens there on February 6. The hanging style is spare, which I like. But even with that, I'll still need quite a few paintings given the size of the gallery, and also because the other artist will have some work off the wall.
This photos show a portion of the Summer Group Show. Maren's work is the beautiful minimalist porcelain work visible here on the table and to the right of my painting (the tall vertical blue-gray painting.)
It was a long day in the Twin Cities--besides visiting Circa and stocking up at my favorite art suppy store,
Wet Paint, I also met recent Facebook contact
Jeff Hirst in his studio in Minneapolis. Jeff paints with encaustics, often in multiple panel arrangements, and has developed a technique of using silkscreened images on top of the wax. His paintings are gorgeous, complex in color, texture and depth. Like me, has also recently started offering workshops both in his studio and elsewhere, so it was good to explore some ideas and thoughts about teaching.