After over two weeks on the road, I'm back home and reflecting on the trip...feeling very grateful for all the people who made it possible, who provided places to stay, memorable meals, companionship and conversation, opportunities to relax, and many other forms of hospitality. And of course, I'm also thinking of the artists who came to my two workshops and those who provided working spaces in Asheville,NC and Beaufort, SC. Both workshops went very well. Painting sessions were intense, lots of good work was created and connections forged among the participants.
The kind of trip that this one was, with 1-2-3 days here and there, is difficult (at least for me) when it's over. Along with the suitcases and crates of workshop materials I've hauled home are a great many pieces of mental luggage that have been dumped unorganized into my brain during the past two weeks. Ideas, notes, impressions, reminders, things to follow up on..some of it exists in physical form on business cards and lists, but most of it only in thought, and all of it seems a huge jumble this morning, as I sit with my coffee and contemplate return to normal life. I know I need to give myself some time to get everything-- both mental and physical-- sorted out and dealt with.
The truth is, re-entry into usual life after a big trip is never my favorite part...and this return seems especially disorienting. Besides the general chaos of things needing attention, there is also a strangeness to our surroundings here. It is as if time stood still while we were gone, because there have been only small advances into spring. The Wisconsin landscape is still very bleak compared to the lush greenery and flowers of the southern places we visited--the trees are leafless, the ground is muddy and snowy in patches, with only a few green things poking up. At least my daffodils have bloomed...hardy things.
But it's home, home sweet home, and I am eager to be off to my studio this morning. Whatever else goes on, the studio is my quiet center place.
The painting above, Stripes #3 (12" x 12") is a small one I finished before the trip and had along on my travels.