new website
After several days of intensive work with my web designer, my new
website is up. Please visit and enjoy. This is a portfolio type of site, with a selected number of paintings plus information about me and how to contact my galleries.
An interesting development, noted in the new site, is that I am now represented by an agent in Ireland and the UK. He will also handle any inquiries in Europe. I'm excited by this opportunity, especially since I'll be in Ireland in September as an artist in residence at the
Tyrone Guthrie Center in Annamaghkerrig (I have actually learned how to spell that) in County Monaghan.
My old website, which many of you will have visited in the past, has a new URL, In the near future, CrowellArtConnection will undergo a complete overhaul, and will be focused on teaching information and resources for artists interested in my work and techniques. For now it is much the same as ever, but I have updated my
teaching schedule now that I've set my calendar for 2011.
Many thanks to all of you who follow my work! My aim is to to provide a more focused way to keep up with new paintings and career developments, plus a format for expanded information on painting for the artists among you.